HomeDosing units

KNOW-HOWCustomized dosing units

Our expertise in chemicals transfer allows us to offer you custom-made dosing units that protect the operator, secure the installations and preserve the environment from all the dangers linked to dosing operations.

Our design is carried out with a particular care on the safety and the reliability of the process.

We provide you with a certificate of conformity and control sheet protecting you against :
  • Leaks on the connections and the pumps thanks to the sealing and securing of the connections
  • Projections at the pressurization of the pipes thanks to our discharge valves
  • Pollution thanks to our integrated retention systems equipped with leak detectors
  • Addition volume problems thanks to our integrated flowmeters with technologies adapted to chemical environments (paddle, inductive ultrasound, etc.)

Adapted materials PPH, PVC, PEHD, PVDF (FKM, EPDM or PTFE seals)
Dosing range : 2 to 2000 l/h

  • Process automation with transfer history
  • Sound and light alarm
  • Pipeline flushing
  • PPE box
  • Chemical transfer instructions
  • Maintenance contract

In imageOur achievements

Know how

Dosing units

Dosing units

Custom-made dosing units protect the operator, secure the installations and protect the environment during the chemical transfer phases.
Floculants and Polymers preparation units

Floculants and Polymers preparation units

Our polymer and flocculant preparation units contribute to considerably improve the separation processes between the liquid/solid phases for various applications.